quite a last minute order. mula rasa agak berat nak buat kek ni pasal byk kerja gentel menggentel harus dilakukan. tapi x sampai ati nak tolak bila mengenangkan...hasrat a 5 years old kid. ku memang kalah dgn anak2 ni. wpun garang tapi dlm ati ada taman huhuhu. so ku terima juga tempahan dari my sggs junior Raja Mazwin utk buat bday cake utk her doter. luckily my doter syairah pun tak ada apa2 nak wat, so ku minta tolong dia buatkan most of the small figurines ie crabs, fishs. we managed to siapkan seme small2 items on friday's night and i covered the cake + decorated it on saturday's morning and finished it right on time....huhuhu agak tergesa2 aritu. ada wedding to attend to. alhamdulillah semuanya siap right on time and i am satisfied with the end result. this is my 2nd mermaid cake and i think i did this one better than the first one. millions thanks to my doter syairah for her help and creativity.
the best part is...masa ku serahkan kek pada bday girl. her happy face buat ati ku cair....and definitely ku pun happy le kan. syukur alhamdulillah Mazwin and her doter suka dgn kek tu. few days after that, Mazwin called and told me that they were happy with the cake and the deco . mula2 tu agak cuak juga dgn rasa/taste of the cake ...kek nya adalah chocolate cake with cheese. dah lama tak bake this cake so i takut juga. but Mazwin kata no negative comments, sangat puas ati.
betapa seronok dan puas atinya bday girl little Kyra....lepas few days derang datang kat umah collect their orders for fruit tarts and apple crumble tarts, Kyra masih lagi cakap "aunty thank for the cake" huhuhu terharu sungguh dan pastinya ku rasa lega dan sonok pasal dpt menggembirakan hati anak kecil tu. finally...terima kasih banyak pada Mazwin yg giving me a chance to do the bday cake.
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